To attend you MUST register online before the event. We will NOT be accepting payments at the door.
You must also provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination & at least one booster when you arrive. There will be no exceptions and without it you may not remain on the campground.
You must also provide proof of Covid-19 vaccination & at least one booster when you arrive. There will be no exceptions and without it you may not remain on the campground.
Event Cost
A regular weekend event costs $55. The event starts on Friday Night at around 9pm and ends on Sunday at Noon. You may pay to play an Alternate Character for $10. You can also choose to attend an event as a Weekend Non-Player Character (NPC) for free.
What Do I Need to Do At the Event?
Our organization is a group effort and we consider every player and staff member to be part of the same team. We request that players help the team by making sure they complete the following tasks each event:
If any of these tasks are not complete, you will not receive credit for attending the event. You may also get a rules violation if this is not the first occurrence. Speak with a staff member as soon as possible if you are having any issues. We are more than willing to work with players on these requests, but you need to talk to us first.
- Complete a 4-hour NPC Shift during the weekend. We need you to help play the bad guys and extras for your fellow players. You can choose your NPC shift at Check-In on Friday night on a first come, first serve basis, so arrive on time to the event. If you have any circumstances that might stop you from completing an NPC shift, please contact us, including medical restrictions and other circumstances beyond your control.
- Get your Cabin Cleanup and Camp Cleanup signed off. You need to get your character sheet signed off before you leave the camp on Sunday. A staff member must sign off that your sleeping area and campsite are clean and all trash is removed from the area. Camp cleanup assignments, such as picking up spell packets and nerf darts from a mod site, are assigned by staff members.
- Turn in your player packet. Put character cards, item cards, and any physreps that belong to the game back in the bag you received at check in. This allows us to update your character sheet between events.
If any of these tasks are not complete, you will not receive credit for attending the event. You may also get a rules violation if this is not the first occurrence. Speak with a staff member as soon as possible if you are having any issues. We are more than willing to work with players on these requests, but you need to talk to us first.
What Should I Bring?
There are a few essentials you should plan to bring to every event for you and your character. These are usually things we can't provide.
Sleeping Gear: For weekend events, we only rent from camps that provide cabins or platform tents and cots with foam mattress pads. During the colder months, we rent heated cabins. Cold months in Maryland are November thru March. Although months adjacent to this period can be chilly, we cannot guarantee that a heated space will be available. Please dress warm and bring the appropriate sleeping gear.
- You should bring your own sleeping bag, blankets and pillows, and whatever else you need to be comfortable for 2 nights in the woods.
Food: We do not usually provide food for our events. However, we do our best to have access to one or more kitchens that all players can use. If you choose to use this amenity, you must clean up after yourself and be as quick as possible so that others may also use this area. It should be your personal policy to always leave areas cleaner than you found them. We will do our best to provide directions and recommendations to the nearest convenience stores, grocery stores, and any local restaurants.
- You should bring enough food or money to feed yourself Friday night, all of Saturday, and Sunday morning.
Light: Not every building will have electricity and much of the game takes place at night. Flashlights and lanterns should be used when traveling at night, and appropriate In-Character lighting should be used when able. Do not bring gas or oil lamps, or anything that requires a spark or produces flames. Fires should only be created in camp-designated fire rings. You will be asked to put anything that we deem as unsafe or hazardous in your car for the remainder of the event.
- You should bring at least one flashlight or lantern for yourself or your sleeping area.
- LED Candles and other In-Game lights are also recommended to maintain the atmosphere of the game.
Clothing: You must wear a costume appropriate for your character and meet any make-up requirements for the race you choose to portray; this includes ear tips and other prosthetics as well as face-paint and distinguishing characteristics as detailed in the racial information on the Realm pages. You will also want to bring black clothing for your NPC shift and comfortable clothing for when you are not playing the game. Make sure to dress appropriately for the weather.
- A costume or clothing appropriate for your character.
- A black shirt and black pants for NPC shifts.
- Comfortable clothing for before and after game and weather appropriate clothing or layers.
- Extra Socks.
- A Blue Headband and a White Headband for your personal use.
LARP-Safe Weapons: We do not provide weapons or loan out the gear we have for NPC's to use. You need to bring your own boffer or latex weapons, dart guns and darts, or spell packets as necessary for your character. All weapons need to be inspected and approved for safety when you check in (including darts) at the beginning of each game.