Community Guidelines
Catalyst is an inclusive group. We believe that everyone has a right to feel safe in both body and mind as a member of our organization. We have ZERO tolerance for any of the following:
Additionally, the following infractions will be met with a Rules Violation and/or Immediate Dismissal from an Event depending on the severity of the situation:
Consent and Intense Content
Consent is obtained with a direct and clear question and responded to with a verbal “Yes.” Consent may be asked for and given in advance if that is something you are comfortable with, but also withdrawn at any time by either party. And remember that just because one person has consented to something with someone, that does not give you or anyone else that same permission. This includes members of Staff and Crew.
Consent needs to also be asked of everyone who participates in some scenes and activities that are considered too intense for the average person. This includes detailed/intimate roleplay (and discussion) of topics that some people may consider too mature for a general audience. (Examples: torture, drug abuse, treatment of prisoners, serial killers, etc). This also includes physical contact beyond a shoulder or arm touch. (Examples: roleplay of giving medical aid to a stomach wound, physically shielding someone from an attack, pretend wrestling or fisticuffs without boffers, etc). If you are unsure if something counts just ask a staff member and preferably a Rules Marshal since they can offer you the best answer.
When able, we will wear an Orange "Content Warning" Headband on our costume to denote the potential for intense content on a mod. You can approach that person and ask what the Content Warning for the mod is if you see the headband.
At all times, you have the right to pause the game by calling a “Safety Hold” if you are concerned about the safety of yourself or someone else in a scene. All involved parties should take a step back from the situation, and then immediately end that scene or step out of game until ready to resume play if needed. No one should ever be made to feel bad or in trouble for breaking character if they are overwhelmed by content or feel unsafe. If you are uncomfortable or upset by something, but feel the scene is not a safety concern, you can instead choose to place your hand over your head to go OOG and excuse yourself from a scene. You will never be given a rules violation for taking yourself or even a friend out of a situation under these circumstances.
What Happens if you Break these Guidelines
If you are found to be in conflict with the community guidelines you may be given a rules violation or asked to immediately leave the event. You will be escorted to gather your things by a staff member then to your vehicle. All abilities, items, cards, points, and all IG materials that you have gathered that event are forfeit and under certain circumstances a cash refund may be issued. You are not to attend a future event and will be banned from all Catalyst forums and groups until a staff member contacts you in an official capacity via email and your membership is reinstated to good standing.
Eligibility of Membership
You are eligible to attend events and become a member if:
Your Responsibility as a Member
It is the priority of all members to maintain a high level of respect and understanding for one another. Our events should be considered safe for everyone and you should actively look to promote this atmosphere. Ultimately the staff cannot be everywhere at all times so it up to our members to help improve the quality of the community. If you witness anything that goes against the spirit of our community we ask that you take action.
If you are not comfortable talking with or approaching someone, find a Rules Marshal, New Player Officer, or Game Director and explain the situation to them. If it’s an obvious or severe breach in the community guidelines inform a staff member immediately. We want to deal with these situation when it occurs not after it becomes hearsay.
If you are approached by someone about the community guidelines:
The Larger LARP Community
As members of our community you are also responsible for your representation of Catalyst in the larger LARP community. We will not tolerate advertising or promotion of Catalyst at other events or gatherings without the express permission from the owner or organizers.
Additionally, if it is brought to our attention that you have been dismissed or banned from other LARPs or organizations, we retain the right to bar you from Catalyst events as well, depending on the severity and proof of allegations. This is regardless of if we have any official or unofficial partnership with them. It is always in your best interest to be upfront and honest with us about any serious issues you have had with our current or former members, or other organizations. We believe in second chances, but we are obligated to protect our players. Our current members of good standing always take priority over any number of possible future attendees. If you contact a staff member without a legitimate concern, without bonafide proof, or for the direct purpose of denying someone else the right to attend, this is grounds for permanent dismissal from our organization.
When you create a character with us and attend events, you agree to the above terms for the duration of the event, as well as any communications between yourself and other members or staff on our domains; public or otherwise. This includes the official Facebook group page, event pages, as well as the Catalyst website, forum, and any future medium. Unwanted Interactions that happen between you and others outside of our domains or events are between you and the offender and should be dealt with accordingly. Anyone found to be using our community to seek out other members for purely malicious intent will be met with legal action.
- Physical Harassment which includes stalking, physical intimidation, physical assault, battery, and inappropriate or unwelcome physical contact.
- Verbal Harassment which includes threats, offensive verbal attacks, any real-world slur or derogatory remark, bathroom/gender policing, or unwelcome attention to physical appearance.
- Social Shaming including Public Shaming or "Canceling" of any kind because of a person’s race, color, religion, age, citizenship, physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender presentation, or mental disability.
- Rape and sexual assault should not be a topic of discussion at Catalyst and will never be used as a story element.
- Anything that is prohibited by the venue or locality where the event takes place. All park and campsite rules are to be observed at all times.
- Anything that is Illegal in the country, state, or province where an event takes place.
Additionally, the following infractions will be met with a Rules Violation and/or Immediate Dismissal from an Event depending on the severity of the situation:
- Exclusive Clubs are not permitted at our events. The number of years, months, days, or hours that a person has been a member of our community should never be a reason to exclude someone from participation. We do not play favorites.
- Pretending to be a Staff or Crew Member or actively allowing others to assume you are a staff or crew member.
- Attempting to run your own Content (scenario, scene, mod, etc) without first obtaining approval from a senior staff member or getting direct help from a crew member.
- Disregarding or Ignoring direct instructions of a Staff Member, Storyteller, or Crew Member.
Consent and Intense Content
Consent is obtained with a direct and clear question and responded to with a verbal “Yes.” Consent may be asked for and given in advance if that is something you are comfortable with, but also withdrawn at any time by either party. And remember that just because one person has consented to something with someone, that does not give you or anyone else that same permission. This includes members of Staff and Crew.
Consent needs to also be asked of everyone who participates in some scenes and activities that are considered too intense for the average person. This includes detailed/intimate roleplay (and discussion) of topics that some people may consider too mature for a general audience. (Examples: torture, drug abuse, treatment of prisoners, serial killers, etc). This also includes physical contact beyond a shoulder or arm touch. (Examples: roleplay of giving medical aid to a stomach wound, physically shielding someone from an attack, pretend wrestling or fisticuffs without boffers, etc). If you are unsure if something counts just ask a staff member and preferably a Rules Marshal since they can offer you the best answer.
When able, we will wear an Orange "Content Warning" Headband on our costume to denote the potential for intense content on a mod. You can approach that person and ask what the Content Warning for the mod is if you see the headband.
At all times, you have the right to pause the game by calling a “Safety Hold” if you are concerned about the safety of yourself or someone else in a scene. All involved parties should take a step back from the situation, and then immediately end that scene or step out of game until ready to resume play if needed. No one should ever be made to feel bad or in trouble for breaking character if they are overwhelmed by content or feel unsafe. If you are uncomfortable or upset by something, but feel the scene is not a safety concern, you can instead choose to place your hand over your head to go OOG and excuse yourself from a scene. You will never be given a rules violation for taking yourself or even a friend out of a situation under these circumstances.
What Happens if you Break these Guidelines
If you are found to be in conflict with the community guidelines you may be given a rules violation or asked to immediately leave the event. You will be escorted to gather your things by a staff member then to your vehicle. All abilities, items, cards, points, and all IG materials that you have gathered that event are forfeit and under certain circumstances a cash refund may be issued. You are not to attend a future event and will be banned from all Catalyst forums and groups until a staff member contacts you in an official capacity via email and your membership is reinstated to good standing.
Eligibility of Membership
You are eligible to attend events and become a member if:
- You are a person of 18 years of age or older.
- You are a child between 14 and 18 years of age who is attending with a parent or guardian.
- You agree to abide by our community guidelines and terms of service.
- You do not have a history of criminal convictions related to hate crimes, sex crimes, larceny, or homicide.
- You are automatically considered a Member if you have attended at least 3 Catalyst events.
Your Responsibility as a Member
It is the priority of all members to maintain a high level of respect and understanding for one another. Our events should be considered safe for everyone and you should actively look to promote this atmosphere. Ultimately the staff cannot be everywhere at all times so it up to our members to help improve the quality of the community. If you witness anything that goes against the spirit of our community we ask that you take action.
- Do: Step in and ask a person if you could talk with them OOG. Keep your cool, speak calmly, and make the conversation as private as possible. It’s okay to let someone else know what you are doing, but keep the actual conversation one on one.
- Do Not: Call someone out in front of others or otherwise embarrass them. Use aggressive or accusing language. Gang up on someone or outnumber them. Threaten to report them to staff.
If you are not comfortable talking with or approaching someone, find a Rules Marshal, New Player Officer, or Game Director and explain the situation to them. If it’s an obvious or severe breach in the community guidelines inform a staff member immediately. We want to deal with these situation when it occurs not after it becomes hearsay.
If you are approached by someone about the community guidelines:
- Keep Calm. The person talking to you probably doesn’t want to see you get in trouble and is not just looking out for themselves, otherwise they would have turned a blind eye.
- Stay open minded about the situation and listen to what they are saying. Consider if what you are doing could appear differently to those around you.
- Immediately stop whatever you are doing. This usually takes almost no effort on your part. If someone has approached you then you have already caused someone distress and it may not be them.
- If you feel that your interaction might escalate then immediately get a staff member involved. It is our job to provide an unbiased mediation in any given situation.
The Larger LARP Community
As members of our community you are also responsible for your representation of Catalyst in the larger LARP community. We will not tolerate advertising or promotion of Catalyst at other events or gatherings without the express permission from the owner or organizers.
Additionally, if it is brought to our attention that you have been dismissed or banned from other LARPs or organizations, we retain the right to bar you from Catalyst events as well, depending on the severity and proof of allegations. This is regardless of if we have any official or unofficial partnership with them. It is always in your best interest to be upfront and honest with us about any serious issues you have had with our current or former members, or other organizations. We believe in second chances, but we are obligated to protect our players. Our current members of good standing always take priority over any number of possible future attendees. If you contact a staff member without a legitimate concern, without bonafide proof, or for the direct purpose of denying someone else the right to attend, this is grounds for permanent dismissal from our organization.
When you create a character with us and attend events, you agree to the above terms for the duration of the event, as well as any communications between yourself and other members or staff on our domains; public or otherwise. This includes the official Facebook group page, event pages, as well as the Catalyst website, forum, and any future medium. Unwanted Interactions that happen between you and others outside of our domains or events are between you and the offender and should be dealt with accordingly. Anyone found to be using our community to seek out other members for purely malicious intent will be met with legal action.
If you have any questions regarding the community guidelines please contact us.