Travel back 30 Years to the final days of the analog world..... where life was a Sitcom and most problems could be solved in a 30 minute programming block. Your character is the star of their own tv show and every week they have challenges to face and lessons to learn. Was your character born into a family who is larger than life? Or do they have constant misadventures with aliens and monsters while trying to make it to college on time? Are they a member of a spandex crime fighting team? Do they often break the 4th wall to discuss the theme of the episode, or is it simply a show about nothing?
These are the kinds of questions you should be asking when you choose this realm to create your character.
So Don't Touch that Dial! Your Character's show is on next!
These are the kinds of questions you should be asking when you choose this realm to create your character.
So Don't Touch that Dial! Your Character's show is on next!
<<< More Info Coming Soon! >>>
Human AppearanceHumans dress in wildly colorful clothing and this Realm has the peak of human fashion. So grab your best pair of Overalls or color-blocked apparel before the opening credits. Flannel and Leather Jackets are both "in" if that's more your styles and it's all about the accessories. No one leaves the house without their best neon scrunchie, chain wallet, bucket hat, or fanny pack.
Costume and Roleplay
What's on your Channel?These "Mundies" are the TV generation, but not just any Television Show will do. Your Character's show is set in the era it's filmed in, and the producers at Network 93 will only accept original content (or a close knock-off of course! )